COD 1: Session 22: The Coliseum
Pre-scene Notes I don’t think the campaign had enough uses of the Cave of Greed at all yet, so I’m jumping right back in. Scene setup/conflict: Party does any shopping and go for another Cave dive. No altered/interrupted scene Scene: The party had a nice long rest and went to the Docks just to see what the aftermath of the disaster with the Locathahs before their last Cave dive. The Docks’ repairs were going along very quickly, considering it was the lifeblood of the island. Both the Roses and the Governor were trying their best to get it up and running again. The party could see if they find a job to aid the repairing effort, but decided that their forte is probably more on breaking things, Filli aside. They did not have enough gold to buy any upgrades, and decided apart from faction relations, they really just needed money. At the Governor’s Office, and the Trader’s House, they were still putting the priority on getting memory loss curing items. Volden had requested help in buildin