
Showing posts from December, 2022

CoD 1: Session 01: Opening on a ship

Prologue A flyer traversed the docks docks of the Capitol amongst billowing winds. A boy’s hand reached out and grabbed the thick quality paper, with its ink still readable despite the salty sea scent. It read:  Attention adventurers big or small, green or grey, brave or just wants to make a quick buck! The Empire has recently discovered off the West coast an island where the Cave of Dreams reside! A magical cave that is a treasure trove of otherworldly artefacts, riches, and encounters! An access to to exotic creatures, romancing sagas, and far-flung planes that will make you the hero of any tavern! Swords of strange runes, shields of magical jewels, and armour of peerless power can all be yours if you take the dive! Ask the official harbour master at the Capitol docks for a ship to Cavesmuth, the frontier town servicing all expeditions into the cave, sponsored wholly by the Empire. Board the ship now for the Cave of Dreams! Make your dreams come true, adventurers!”  Pre-scene Notes T

CoD 1: Session 00

 Much information existed on how to run a session zero as a game master (GM), but this list from Reddit seemed very comprehensive. My experience though was that at least 75% of a session zero was on social boundaries, limits on character creation, and a million game mechanic questions that inevitably got forgotten. SoloRPG’ing meant most of this went away and we could focus on describing the world and premise of the campaign. Saying that, I thought it would be good to go through some of the topics on the list in general as a precursor: Campaign premise I had thought of the promise when considering on becoming a GM. To minimise lore and run adaptable campaigns with least prep, the premise was for the campaign to be set on a newly discovered island, where a mysterious cave was found. The Cave transported characters to different planes, or alternate realities, in order complete (or fail) a pre-define but unknown mission before allowing whoever entered to return out of the cave. The locat

CoD 1: Session Pre-Zero

Even before session zero of any DND campaign, we should discuss tools of the trade. I had no plans to discuss in-depth how the basics of each works during my posts, as there were enough media online on those, and my focus would be on the actual campaign and storytelling. Saying that, even if you were not familiar with any tool I mentioned, I would think the posts themselves served as a great example of how it worked in a practical sense. If there were enough post on the lack of explanation was hindering readers’ understanding of the campaign, I might post separately to explain. Dungeons and Dragon, 5th Edition DND had been a household name since whenever wikipedia said and had undergone many changes since its inception. I tried to start a campaign in an older edition with friends, but 5e was the edition I had most knowledge in and I considered one of the most popular. This was likely thanked to Stranger Things, rise of Geek culture, and popularity of Critical Role during similar time p

First post

Firstly thank you for visiting my page and welcome. This venture basically came about because I had felt for sinking so much time into my hobbies, it would be good to share my experiences along the way or if others of similar mind would at least be entertained with the stories I come up. The journey so far was that I had picked up dungeons and dragon (DND) as a hobby during the pandemic. I had only ever played online but experienced a diverse range of games and players. It amazed me how the mainstream media portrayed this game being played by mostly socially awkward people, when the complexity of a campaign’s social interactions was unmatched by any other games I had ever played. I had started toying with the idea of becoming a game master (GM) myself to try and control that element, leading me to research into the concept of SoloRPGs to prepare before finding an actual group of test mice. Having dabbed my foot in the waters however, it got me thinking… I had been interested in writing