First post

Firstly thank you for visiting my page and welcome. This venture basically came about because I had felt for sinking so much time into my hobbies, it would be good to share my experiences along the way or if others of similar mind would at least be entertained with the stories I come up.

The journey so far was that I had picked up dungeons and dragon (DND) as a hobby during the pandemic. I had only ever played online but experienced a diverse range of games and players. It amazed me how the mainstream media portrayed this game being played by mostly socially awkward people, when the complexity of a campaign’s social interactions was unmatched by any other games I had ever played. I had started toying with the idea of becoming a game master (GM) myself to try and control that element, leading me to research into the concept of SoloRPGs to prepare before finding an actual group of test mice. Having dabbed my foot in the waters however, it got me thinking…

I had been interested in writing for a long time. When I was young, I partook online in things like Nanowrimo or fictionpress, but online self-publishing had never taken off for me after my ‘real life’ job got going. DND of course had so much synergies with writing, considering both are forms of storytelling and world-building that tickled my fancy. 

This combination is the reason why I started this place. How do you turn your soloRPG into a novel? I don’t know, but I knew others had tried before. I will attempt to follow in those footsteps. Therefore I invite readers, gamers, and anyone who likes to imagine dragons to join me on this journey.

This site’s initial concept is relatively simple. I will post actual play reports of the SoloRPG campaign I am playing through. However, apart from just that as other blogs did already, I will interject with my commentary on game planning and what I would consider if I were to  novelise the actual plays. The website may evolve, but wherever it leads, I hope you will find a lesson, an inspiration, or just five minutes of escape to a fantasy for your time here.


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